Sustainable & Impact Investing: Racial Equity Investing
“Diverse investment managers bring a unique set of perspectives that increase cognitive diversity across the University’s investment portfolio. This increases the opportunity set for the overall portfolio of managers, improving the chances for outperformance, but moreover, it exposes the University to investment themes and ideas that can be leveraged beyond just the mandate of the managers. For example, one of the managers in the program has a unique investment thesis, investing in ‘disruptive innovation’ across an array of sectors and using unique inputs. University staff are studying the thesis in-depth and are looking to apply it through other thematic investments across the broader portfolio, as it aligns well with the University’s long horizon and growth orientation. Exposure to such perspectives can improve decision- making and ultimately lead to superior results.”
Click here to read the full primer by Glenmede on Sustainable and Impact Investing and how the University of Chicago has led the way by retaining 25 diverse fund managers that manage 15% of the University’s endowment funds.